This page is with regards to a revised Scheme of Work and also a revised Needs Analysis.
Scheme of Work –
The following contains notes of the original Scheme of Work with additional suggestions of what i felt worked well with the session and if I had the chance to re-teach the session knowing what I do now what I would change.
Scheme of work – The Revised Plan.
Needs Analysis
Once my sessions had finished it was key to keep the teacher up to date as to where I felt the participants could move on to and how their game could continue to progress, in order to do this i felt it necessary to produce a second Needs Analysis to show why I believed that this was the direction they should be taken in next.
I believe the introduction of a scrum would be essential to help these players grow, although I touched on it briefly during my time at the school I am of the belief that it needs working on by someone who has more of an understanding of what is required, there is also a certain safety aspect to teaching participants of this age how to successfully perform a scrum, with a lack of knowledge this could cause some serious damage to those taking part. The role of the scrum in rugby union has been identified by Bell and Hooper (1979) as ‘the single facet of play which provided most ball to the winning teams’. The scrum in rugby is a good way to either regain possetion of the ball or to make yards into the oppositions territory.
Another main area that will need looking at is the line out and position of players when a line out is taken. It was an area that i chose not to focus on during my block of sessions, again due to my limited knowledge around the subject however it is a key part of the game and will need to be worked on for the future games and overall development of the team. With something such as a line out, and the majority of set plays in rugby, the team is divided into Fronts and Backs it is key that throughout the game they both work as one and that team cohesion is in place from the outset. Rugby can lead to progress toward many educational objectives such as: fitness, throwing, catching, kicking, chasing, fleeing, dodging, teamwork, application of strategy (Pugh et al, 2004).
To finalise there are three areas in which i believe the teacher taking over from me should focus on and they are;
- Scrums
- Line Outs
- Teamwork/Team Cohesion
I believe that through working on these there is enough raw talent in the team for them to play at a good standard of rugby in the future.